Reflections on Jesianity: the soul is never self-serving, but is intelligently self-protective.


Approximately November 2023, updated, slightly, June 2024.

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health.

Such a curious verse:

Do not be concerned what you shall eat, or what you shall put on. Does your heavenly father not know that you need these things?

James was just given new understanding of what this verse is about.

James, yes you want the joy of serving, of being a servant of your holy spirit, but you can't do that very long if you aren't responsible for the needs, the upkeep, the maintenance, of your flesh and head.

I have known, each time I was asked this, for many decades now, I have known that there is a self protection built into serving from the soul in solidarity. Is there a good doctor that doesn't know if she is reckless with her own life she removes from service one who might help others?

But just now I see the verse from Jesus that exactly addresses this. Exactly identifies. The father being the soul within us, our limbic system, our mammalian brain, our Humanity. It is self-protective, not self-serving, but self-protective for the work.
