Disciple James log: You cannot be my disciple if you can stand the inhumanity in this world. Paraphrase with liberties.

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus


You cannot be my disciple if you can stand the inhumanity in this world. Paraphrase with liberties.

This may be a gigantic breakthrough in my understanding.

Jesianity is not for everyone. 

It is not for anyone, unless or until their humanity is so healthy that it can't stand the inhumanity being done in the world. 

Jesianity is all out war for humanity reigning, in the world. 

It is waged by the lonely one, until a second joins, then maybe a third.... Unless not.

Those who can stand the inhumanity in the world must not be added to the force, until they can't. 

And Jesus said, you cannot follow me unless it is granted by my father. And from that time many went back that had been walking with him and followed him no more.

Disciples, and Jesus, are Creator's army building the kingdom on earth, because they can stand nothing less.

I wonder. Do I love Humanity so much that the prospect of increasing the amount in the future by one tiny particle, is worth my whole life?
