Reflections on Jesianity. Humanity: The Final Frontier

June 9, 2024 5:43 am ET.   Light update June 11th, 2024, 7am, 7/7/24 Major update 7/12/24, the areas in bold below. 

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health.

Humanity: The Final Frontier

This is the voyage of the Soul ship Jesianity. Jesus is the Admiral; leading, inspiring, educating, training, and rehabilitating the crew if and as they join.

To paraphrase Jesus with the slightest liberties: And what does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose their own soul; their Humanity? The spirit is life, humanity is life, the flesh means nothing. Our Humanity is Creator's operating system for us, the Creator's Kingdom. It was first identified in the Eternal law of the Ten Commandments, and the writings of the prophets.

Jesianity, Jesus' Way, is an eternal mission to rescue souls from the living death of their humanity - joyless meaningless suffering. 

By divine miracle, Jesus came from perfect Humanity. By some miracle he was Alive, Joyful, Serving-every-breath and he offers his crew, and those who embrace rescue, the opportunity to return to that perfect humanity. Which is not to say He set about to make the crew into replacements for him, which would be impossible, and which would create multiple Admirals, Supreme Commanders of the same alliance, leading to certain destruction.

Jesus' total, complete, explicit, difficult demanding dangerous mission is to save humanity with all the desperate urgency that entails. 

And through the attempt, to save the humanity of the crew and of those that join, and that are subsequently attracted to join the mission.  

It is simply and totally and completely a matter of life and death. 

Well Jesus, I'm just not sure.” For 2,000 years that has been the response he has heard and maybe that won't change. But how does he respond? “Let the dead bury the dead. Whoever would put their hand to the plow and look back is not worthy of the mission.” Not yet.

Humanity is the great I Am, the divine, the kingdom of God. The head is not in charge, and the not flesh in charge. We are all within it, and it is within all of us though practically exterminated in nearly all of us as we grow past toddlerhood.

Humanity is the kingdom we were all born into and cruelly ripped from by our insane evil cultures of myriad forms of empire which are aided and maintained by putting flesh and head in charge of our humanity.

In the last 2,000 years there is no obvious record of anyone joining Jesus' crew.

There is record of myriad attempts of people to rename all this and reform all this in the image that they find most comfortable. In all cases these are various forms of Empire. 

Endless are the successful attempts to put Jesus' new wine back in old wineskins successfully destroying the new wine to save  the old such as Paul who put it back in the old wineskin of the Old Testament which wasthe religion of the scribes and pharisees. Others put it in the old wineskin of their religion that they prefer. Constantine, with Paul's help, put it in the old wineskin of governmental Empire and called it Christianity.

Empire is a term that Embraces the realm of the will of the Flesh and the will of the head; inside us, and outside us.

There have been endless successful attempts by those that admired him, who were inspired by him, who were seduced into thinking that now they too were the way, the truth, and the life and it wasno longer Jesus exclusively. They made themselves additional Admirals on Starship earth, leading to the Armageddon we're in right now. Armada members don't do that. They continually Point themselves and everyone else to the Admiral for a chance of life. Who has done that? As understood on this website, as understood by Jesianity, no one has even thought to understand Jesus this way, let alone live it. They haven’t scrupulously, endlessly, acted to avoid themselves being viewed or used as a new Admiral. If others have, please provide the specific citations now.

Who is to say that anyone should become part of Jesus crew/followers/ disciples and thereby leap out into that unexplored realm of pure humanity?

Who is to say anyone should have that level of singular, EXCLUSIVE, faith and trust and belief in Admiral Jesus?

It is a terrifying, divine voyage and mission and a return toward perfect life itself. And infinite joy.

Who should say that they will surrender their very lives to this Admirak excluding all others? 

Jesus says, James long thought it offensive, that I am the way the truth and the life. In current terminology, I am the GOAT, the greatest of all TIME, at manifesting the father, following the father, and leading others in that direction. James also thought that offensive, until life proved to him that it was correct. It happens. Simone Biles is the greatest of all time gymnasts. She probably won't last long but she may. And apparently occasionally she says so, and is told that's offensive. Is it? Yes, to those to whom the truth is offensive.

Who hates  life in the world of Empire so much as to do this, to give up everything and join Jesus' armada?

Will any show up attempting to be part of Jesus' crew, with exclusive allegiance to that Admiral, excluding all others, including commanding their own life any longer. Because they can't resist the call of it. And they can't bear the living death, the inner and outer carnage, of empire?

James is one that is trying, who maintains this communication site, as a way of mastering what Admiral Jesus shows and teaches, and by way of providing study logs and reflections to help others joining or considering joining Jesus' crew. Yearning for others to come and devote their lives to the effort as well.

Leaving everything of this world behind. Choosing strict loyalty to that one Admiral, thereby saying no to every other. Choosing strict loyalty to that one Admiral over loyalty to what is within themselves ultimately. Choosing to follow that Admiral, rather than to become their own.

And those that join, those that take on that strict loyalty, saying no to all others, will they not be accused of being offensive, arrogant?

Jesus did not, and morally could not, urge anyone to join the armada 2000 years ago. He did call at least 12 by the record, and they responded. There is no indication that he ever spent two sentences, or one, trying to convince anyone to do so. No one can follow me except that the father grants it. That's one way he said it. Another, no one comes to me except that the father brings them. And finally, when they heard this, many that had been walking with him went back and did so no more.

It should not be, and apparently it cannot be any other way. Someone hears the call, or they don't.

Those that do respond, if that ever happens, and maybe Mark in Cortez has heard the call and responded, become part of the crew and a particular team and Enterprise devoted to Mutual success in the mission.

Those that don't respond are loved, and never lose their welcome to become part of the crew. 

But only if and when they hear the call granted by the father and choose to join. Or rather respond because they find that they hate their life in the very World of empire so much, that they cannot resist but to respond.

Pt 2. The Federation. Jesianity, Jesus' way, is not the mission. Saving our humanity is. 

July 13, 2024

Note: James is doing the best he can with his talents. This was four video segments logged during a wonderful exhausting ride through dangerous Heat today. There were technical difficulties and major portions are not there. But I think it is sufficient for those that want to understand what he's seeing, what he's trying to say, to understand what he's trying to share.

The following must be said even though most will use it as an excuse to delude themselves they are committed to the mission under Admiral Jesus.

Lightly edited transcript: 

Jesianity, Jesus' way, truth, and life, undiluted, straight up. Called here, Jesusianity, a rose by whatever name smells as sweet. 

In the analogy above this first page, which seems very, very, very good, Up until now on this particular website page, it could be understood that members of the Admiral Jesus' crew, disciples, are the ones who are the most potentially helpful people in the world. And that's true. 

What is not true is that they are the only ones on the side of God, on the side of Creator, looked at with favor by Creator. Possibly helpful. 

Everything on this page, everything on this website, everything in Jesianity is measured by Jesus' specific words, and specific example, everything, or it's not Jesusianity. It's not Jesus' way, truth, and life. He is the measure, he is the test. 

Jesus' mission is not Jesianity. Jesus' mission is not His way, truth, and life. 

Jesus' mission is the resurrection, The resurrection of our capacity of humanity, which He considers to be life itself. And who wouldn't? What does it profit a person to gain the whole world, but lose their humanity, their soul, their Holy Spirit? 

So Jesus doesn't ultimately care in whose name it's done. He doesn't care under what label it's done. He doesn't care under whose name it's done. Obviously. He doesn't care under what label it's done. Except that people not disciplined under focused leadership don't win.

Do we understand that in the Federation, Klingons were asked to stop being Klingons, Spock, whatever species he was, oh yes, vulcan, was asked to become Caucasian, and on and on. No! No! No! 

And is there any conception that only the crew of the Jesus ship was valued? That the ground crew was not valued? That mission control was not valued? That the Ladies Auxiliary was not valued? Absurd. 

That's different than saying that some had risen to a higher level of committed potential hopeful value than others. Both are important, in a serious fight. But they are not the same thing.

What mattered was whether they were part of the mission, and subordinate to the most capable chain of command, most capable leadership. Whether they were clearly loyal, scrupulously loyal to the mission. whether they placed the mission above all else. 

If not, then they were subject to be an enemy of the mission. Not enemies, but enemies of the mission. 

To whom much has been given, of them much more is required. Like so many things that we are told about what Jesus said, we're told with a negative bias. But I question whether Jesus actually spoke with that negative bias. So take this as an editorial comment or not. In a war, and this is a war for humanity, the humanity within each of us, that is properly understood to be life itself. In a war for the humanity in every human. Does everyone on the side of that wish for everyone, including themselves, to be as effective as possible? Of course they do. 

Is their ego involved? Is their pride involved? Well, they're on  Jesys' ship. They think they're better than us. What? They're on the Admiral Jesus' ship!  

No, what decent people aren't thrilled about the Enterprise crew, They're qualified. I'm so glad they're fighting for us. I want to be on the Enterprise. I'm not ready yet. I'm not positioned yet. But boy, I envy them. I envy them. 

And that envy, which is a healthy envy, might pull some forward to at some point be on the crew of the Enterprise. 

How virtuous. How joyful all the way around. And does, everyone on the side of humanity, everyone desperately horrified that humanity is largely crushed globally. Do they want for the standards of Starfleet to be compromised? Hey, come on now. Don't hold the standards so high. I want to be able to join. I want to be considered part of the crew of the Enterprise. What? Slit their own throat? And the future of their children by diluting what's required for each level, the standards, the requirements, the demands, to soothe the ego? What? That's madness. 

And so it is with Jesianity. It is not a matter of a hierarchy of worth in creators' eyes. It's not a matter of a hierarchy of worth. 

It's a matter of a hierarchy of potential impact. 

According to Jesus, everyone that is doing their best, everyone that is doing their best with every talent, that is, every understanding, every capacity, every breath that they've been given, everyone that is doing their best with that is of equal esteem in the kingdom, of equal sacredness, equal merrit to creator. 

There's no other way to understand Jesus than that. 

Jesus seem to express that sort of value in creators eyes as resurrection. And according to Jesus those who do good, those who are just, those who are exceedingly loving, go to the resurrection. And ultimately, those who repent, and repent, and repent truly trying to do better. But that's different than saying they become disciples, crew of the enterprise, on Admiral Jesus' ship.

There's no other honest way to understand Jesus than that. 

Those that fight for Humanity, including their own, with their Humanity are on the side of creator , thereby in the kingdom, thereby valued by creator. As such. Weather Under the banner of Jesianity, or Buddhism or Atheism.... humanity is humanity. And it fights for humanity. Its ultimate value is humanity. Under every ism and banner and none. Atheism, agnosticism, communism, even Christianity. 

But again, Jesianity does hold that it is factually apparent that Jesus is the greatest commander of all time and that those most committed to restoring our humanity, subordinate themselves to Admiral Jesus for the maximal hopefulness of it.

And those on the enterprise, the disciples of jesus, their level of abundant joyful life is the most enviable. Those who support, like maintaining the ship, are revered, but we go to watch those in the crew. Because they have the most enviable lives.

They are the ones who do the most with the talents they've received.


  1. Thank you for the detailed insight and your obvious endless heartfelt dedication to our LORD and SAVIOR! ♥️♥️♥️

    1. You're encouraging words are much appreciated. Not only because they are so rare. Hugs. Disciple James


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